Institute of Dental Sciences (IDS)

Re accredited by NAAC with B Grade

Sehora, Kunjwani Bishnah Road Jammu, (J&K), Pin: 181132

Internal Quality Assurance System

The college has a well-defined policy to ensure quality in the various operations and processes of the institute. The IQAC has been established to plan, execute and evaluate the quality components of each process as per the policy of NAAC. IQAC is an integral part of the institution’s planning and evaluation processes. The function of the IQAC includes data collection and analysis services for a variety of internal users and supervising the reporting requirements of the Institute for accreditation, rankings, and official works. The IQAC is headed by the principal and a senior faculty member is nominated by him as the coordinator. The members of IQAC are the representative of each unit of the college and students’ representatives. IQAC conducts quarterly review meetings, where HoD’s of the departments present their quarterly performance report. The committee reviews the report and recommends resources for the execution of any new proposal required for the growth/development of the college. IQAC also monitors the function of various institutional committees and gives suggestions to improve their performance. It also conducts a regular academic and administrative audit which is aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of the institute holistically and maintain sustainability in growth. The findings of the academic and administrative audits provide areas needing improvement. The academic audit provides the performance of teaching, learning, and assessment which deserve proper attention. The areas needing improvement are brought to

the notice of the respective Head of Department. The administrative audit gives insight into the areas needing improvement in the operational areas. The Administrative Head is informed about the findings of the administrative audit with an instruction to take necessary corrective actions. IQAC has played an important role in planning, implementing, and controlling the quality assurance strategies and processes in the college to bring about a qualitative change in the process of academic delivery, research, and patient care services. All major decisions of IQAC require financial allocation. Therefore, the coordinator of IQAC presents the budget required for any new project or bringing renovation of any old project in the annual meeting of the executive board of the college. IQAC is the data custodian of the institute. Its responsibility is to collect, organize, analyse, review the data for accuracy, and store information for future requirements. It provides information, guidance, and analytic support to the other departments for purposes of informed decision-making and planning. IQAC coordinates assessment activities related to student satisfaction, student needs, student life, teaching effectiveness, and learning outcomes. IQAC monitors expenditures, checks compliance, and reports before these are sent to external offices. IQAC is accountable to provide accurate, uniform, and consistent information to the office of the principal and management and protecting the college from unwanted risks occurring.

AISHE Report