Institute of Dental Sciences (IDS)

Re accredited by NAAC with B Grade

Sehora, Kunjwani Bishnah Road Jammu, (J&K), Pin: 181132

Best Practices-1

Innovation in Faculty Performance Review as a Prerequisite of Faculty Development System.


 IDS is a premier Dental Education institution committed to working continuously for establishing academic excellence through the development of an outstanding faculty community, whose caliber and competence are essential to the fulfillment of its mission. In that regard, it has brought innovation to the Faculty Performance Review System (FPRS) during the AY2019-20. Faculty members will be evaluated on their performances in the following 4 components: Teaching and Learning Research, Scholarly and Creative Activities Services for the community Efforts for Continuous Development.

Objectives of the Practice

The objectives of this practice are as follows: – 1. To help faculty members understand their roles, assist them in preparing their annual evaluation records, 2. To assist the Head of Departments (HoDs) and College Management in evaluating the performance of faculty members. 3. Helping faculty members to capitalize on their areas of strengths and recognize areas in need of development or improvement; 4. Recognizing meritorious performance; improving the quality of teaching, research, and service; During the NAAC Peer team visit in 2016 to the institution, the team members recommended that the college must give adequate opportunities to the faculty for their professional development. Accordingly, in January 2017 IQAC was given the responsibility to frame a new system of faculty performance review and professional development system. The first draft of FPRS was completed in July 2017 and it was presented to the management. After multiple reviews finally the document came into shape in December 2019. A proper training program was conducted for the faculty by an expert for its correct implementation.

 The Practice:- At the end of an academic year, each faculty are to complete the relevant FPRS forms and documents for evaluation by the HoD, including the Enhanced Course Portfolio, one full course for evaluation that is different each year, publications, conference papers, and action plan for improvement, as well as other supporting documents. The faculties are to submit all required documents by the deadline set by the college, together with additional materials the faculty member deems highly relevant to his or her performance evaluation for the period under review. The Dean-Academics will meet with the HoD to discuss the faculty member’s performance and finalize the evaluation; The report will be submitted to the Principal of the college. The Principal will call a meeting of the faculty individually in front of their HoD and Dean-Academics and discuss his/her performance, gives suggestions, and do counseling. Based on the meeting with the faculty a confidential letter is issued which is given to the faculty and kept in his file for future review. The faculty, whose performance is below the expected level are asked to submit an action plan to improve /her performance for the next period.

  1. Evidence of Success:- Initially, the policy was not taken very positively by the faculty members as they thought; it was very comprehensive and had less practical outcomes. Taking this a challenging task, the IQAC conducted many faculty development programs to develop awareness and confidence among the faculty towards the new system. At the end of each FDP feedback was collected from the faculty by IQAC and analyzed. It was noticed that after the first workshop only 30% of faculty were found convinced of the system. IQAC continuously worked on the project and after the fourth FDP, the evidence of success was miraculous. It was found that 100% of faculties were highly satisfied with the new review system.

Best Practice: 2

Ensuring Faculty Satisfaction and Retention through creating Research Culture in the institution


 IDS is a premier Dental College in India. Since its inception, it has been treating its faculty very well. Despite this, it was not receiving very good ratings from the faculty from the criteria of their professional development opportunity given by the college for the faculties, especially the creating Research culture in the institution. Being a health science college it was indispensable for the college to create a research culture in the college as early as possible.

 Objectives of the Practice:-

  1. To motivate the faculties towards high-class research in the form of publications, case studies, projects, etc.
  2. To provide adequate resources to the faculties to carry out research activities.
  3. To retain good faculty by creating a research culture in the institution.

The Context:-

The NAAC peer team visited IDS in 2016 for evaluating its performance against its interest in Cycle 1 accreditation. After the visit, the team recommended that the institute must provide resources and opportunities to the faculties to do research activities. Considering this a committee was constituted in Jan 2017 to review the areas of faculty satisfaction and retention over institutional research culture. Based on the report of the committee, the IQAC was requested by the college management to prepare the research policy for the college. IQAC conducted multiple meetings with the stakeholders and experts and finally, the policy was approved and executed in December 2018. 1.

The Practice:-

The weighting for the entire research component shall be in the range of 10 to 100 percent of the overall faculty performance, depending on the faculty work plan for research and activity for the evaluation period. The following performance categories and rating guidelines are used to evaluate this component: Research Funding Other research, and scholarly and creative activities

Evidence of Success

The research policy was implemented in Jan 2019. Soon it was circulated among the faculty. To give full awareness about the rubrics of the evaluation two Research workshops were conducted in Feb and March 2019. The feedback collected from the faculty reported that about 90% of the faculty were very happy with the new research policy. At the end of the evaluation period, it was noticed that about 20% of new faculty joined the research track, and 40% of senior faculty published at least one paper in good journals.